Dr Madhavi Vellayan
Female Consultant Gynaecologist
Providing Private Gynaecology services for Gloucestershire women

Clinic Timings
Winfield Hospital,
Thursdays 09:00 to 13:00
Nuffield Hospital,
Mondays 14:00 to 19:00
Tetbury Hospital,
First Monday of the month
15:30 to 18:00
Phone Numbers


01242 246574

01666 501773
Apart from these clinics, Dr Vellayan would hold ad hoc clinics, depending on clinical urgency, if required. It would be best if you can get a GP referral. However you can still be seen without a referral letter if you prefer not to bring one.
Dr Madhavi Vellayan working at the Winfield Hospital, Gloucester and Nuffield Hospital, Cheltenham offers short notice appointments, allowing women peace of mind that they can see someone as soon as possible if necessary. Both Dr Vellayan and her secretaries are easily contactable. Following detailed consultation, patients are also given the option to contact Dr Vellayan directly through email free of charge with queries that may arise at a later date, thereby ensuring ongoing care. Dr Vellayan always keeps in touch with her patients after discharge through telephone calls in the immediate few weeks after surgery before they are seen for post operative follow up to ensure that patients receive the best care possible.
Why Choose Us

Perfect Team
Dr Vellayan provides a full assessment of the presenting problem and discussion around various options available for management.

Special interests
Menstrual disorders, Perimenopausal irregular bleeding, Menopause and HRT, Post menopausal bleeding, Premenstrual syndrome, Fibroids and Ovarians Cysts

Fastest Support
Convenience of pleasant surroundings, friendly staff, ease of access and parking with short waiting lists and access to a senior and experienced clinician.

Best Experience
Dr Vellayan has a wide range of experience and interest in women’s health issues.
About Us
Dr Madhavi Vellayan graduated from University of Madras, India in 1992. She trained in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in various renowned centres in Yorkshire and underwent specialisation in Gynaecological Endoscopy in Jessop Hospital for Women, Sheffield.
Our Services